Today November 5, 2006 are the Nicaraguan elections. It is interesting to see everyone out in the street close to the voting centers, people are walking around waiting to vote or are leaving with their fingers purple from the voting ink. Many Nicaraguans who I know do not like to walk. They do not go out into the street to get exercise and most of them avoid walking as if it is the plague. There is almost a festive atmosphere in the air as everyone walks around with the same intention. Although I do not know how folks are feeling inside from the outside I see pride. These elections have been the talk of almost everyone for the past while and people are excited to get out and choose their next leader. People are also scared. For those who want a change from the current government they are scared that their dreams will not be realized. For those who want to keep the status quo they are afraid that the leftist radicals will ruin their chance at victory. People are holding their breath to wait and see what happens. Interestingly on Friday night at midnight a law went into effect that no one could sell alcohol until after the elections. Everyone I know tried to stock up on liquor to drink tonight and last night as they could not go into the street and buy it. I´m not sure that prohibiting the sale of alcohol on these specific nights actually accomplished anything, because everyone stocked up anyway. I will write again after the elections about what the outcome was and the status of the country.
I am waiting to hear about the Nicaraguan´s response to the elections. Daniel is about as corrupt as they come...what are Josué, Margarita, and Aurorar saying? Rodrigo and Henry??
Amor, Aleida
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